Futurist-in-50-Days Featured in Medium

Futurist-in-50-Days Featured in Medium

Futurist-in-50-Days was featured in Medium this month! After a successful Beta launch, we couldn’t be more excited. A sneak peek below.

Futurist-in-50-Days Featured by The Globe and Mail

Futurist-in-50-Days Featured by The Globe and Mail

Futurist-in-50-Days was featured in The Globe and Mail this month! After a successful Beta launch, we couldn’t be more excited. A sneak peek below.

Futurist-in-50-Days Featured by The Associated Press

Futurist-in-50-Days Featured by The Associated Press

Futurist-in-50-Days was featured in Associated Press this month! After a successful Beta launch, we couldn’t be more excited. A sneak peek below.

Unleashing the Power of Good Strategic Leaders with these 8 Qualities

Unleashing the Power of Good Strategic Leaders with these 8 Qualities

Good strategic leaders can motivate teams, move mountains, and create positive company changes that will last for years or even decades. There are many types of leaders. Learning what makes a strategic leader and how to practice strategic leadership in your life is the key to achieving greatness.

Strategic Storytelling: Helpful Tips to Boost your Business Communication and Influence

Strategic Storytelling: Helpful Tips to Boost your Business Communication and Influence

Strategic storytelling is a communication tool that helps you tell an engaging and powerful story, particularly to busy executives! If you’re struggling to influence or engage your audience—whether it's Executives, managers, investors, or peers—it's time to consider strategic storytelling.

What is Strategic Thinking in Leadership? The Ultimate Guide

What is Strategic Thinking in Leadership? The Ultimate Guide

What is strategic thinking in leadership? Strategic thinking is an essential skill for any leader. It involves the ability to evaluate problems and opportunities and make good decisions that support your overall goals. It also involves thinking ahead, creating, and planning for the future. Strategic thinking helps leaders make the right decisions and stay one step ahead of the competition. It is the ability to evaluate problems and opportunities and make good decisions that support your overall goals. How do you improve your strategic thinking? Let’s dive in.

Strategic Thinking Training: 7 Ways to Level up your Strategy Skills

Strategic thinking for organizations, teams and individuals is more important than ever. With the age of big data has come a growing need to be able to work through complex problems and opportunities effectively and with agility. Yet only 30% of business leaders are strategic thinkers. Being a strategic leader is critical to your ability to being able to maneuver your work effectively, advance your career, make informed decisions and grow a brand, company or organization effectively.

What Does it Mean to Think Strategically? The Ultimate Professional's Guide

What Does it Mean to Think Strategically? The Ultimate Professional's Guide

Strategic thinking has become a popular buzzword among business professionals, but its true meaning is often buried beneath the mystique it holds. Precisely what does it mean to think strategically? Strategic thinking is the ability to assess problems and opportunities to make the best decision that supports your overall goals.

It involves taking a holistic approach to problem-solving and decision-making while considering the big picture. Specifically, it necessitates considering long-term possibilities and understanding the ripple effects of decisions before making them.

A successful strategic thinker needs to be able to evaluate different scenarios quickly and accurately, recognize emerging trends, and anticipate how their actions will impact the future of their organization. All in all, strategic thinking skills are invaluable for leaders looking to create effective plans and navigate unknown terrain.