The new guide highlights the top names among Futurists worldwide, selected for their contributions to the futures space and to their respective fields at large. The list features various professionals, from business leaders to education professionals, all of whom are working to advance humanity in some way.
What Qualifies Someone to be a Futurist
The role of a futurist may sound like it belongs to the realm of science fiction, but in reality, futurists play a vital role in helping organizations, governments, and individuals prepare for what lies ahead. Whether it’s forecasting market trends, anticipating technological advancements, or imagining solutions to pressing global issues, futurists are change-makers who blend creativity, data, and strategy. But what qualifies someone to call themselves a futurist? Let’s break it down.
Booking the Perfect Keynote Speaker on Innovation: A Guide
Looking for a keynote speaker on innovation? Innovation is the lifeblood of progress in today's fast-paced world. Whether you're a business leader, event organizer, or part of an academic institution, you know the importance of staying ahead of the curve. This is where a keynote speaker on innovation comes into play. A dynamic and insightful speaker can ignite fresh ideas, drive motivation, and inspire meaningful change. In this guide, we'll explore the role of a keynote speaker on innovation and how to find the perfect one for your next event.
CBC Radio Features Futurist and Strategist, Lindsay Angelo, on the Future of Markets
Innovation Leader Features Consumer Thought Leader, Lindsay Angelo on Innovation Trends
My prediction for 2019: the blurring of sectors will gain steam. We’ll see more sectors colliding and combining to create something bigger and more impactful than each could do on its own. Think co-working spaces meet retail, art meets yoga, burgers meet shoes. In fact, as I write this, I sit at WeWork with a live Christmas retail marketplace happening around me, representing the coming together of two concepts in a not-so-obvious way.
A glimpse into Future Stores, Seattle, WA
Keynote: Tackling the democratization of retail, Seattle, WA
Keynote: Maintaining your inner play-doh, Seattle, WA
Driven by a digital landscape, the maker’s movement & crowd everything, we are witnessing disruption in the world of retail. Consumers are shifting from passively consuming a product to co-creating and inventing on their own. An army of authentic, innovative start-ups with engaged guests are emerging and the landscape is democratizing like never before. How can established businesses respond to maintain their “it” factor?